General Education Courses
BI0-120 (6.0 Credits) – Introduction To Anatomy And Physiology I
Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology I is the first of a two-course sequence. This is an introductory course in human anatomy and physiology and is primarily designed for students enrolled in health science programs. This course provides a fundamental study of the human body including levels of organization, anatomical terms, and basic concepts of biology, biochemistry, and basic principles of microbiology. Topics include the normal structure and function of various body systems, including the integumentary, skeletal, muscle, nervous, sensory, and cardiovascular systems. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate a basic understanding of the fundamental principles of anatomy and physiology and their interrelationships.
BI0-122 (3.0 Credits) – Introduction To Anatomy And Physiology II
Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology II is the second of a two-course sequence. This introductory course in human anatomy and physiology is designed primarily for students enrolled in health science programs. This course continues the fundamental study of human anatomy and physiology including blood and immunity as well as the endocrine, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, urinary, reproductive, and lymphatic systems. Upon successful completion, students should be able to demonstrate a basic understanding of the fundamental principles of anatomy and physiology and their interrelationships.
BUS-165 (4.0 Credits) – Small Business Management
This course is designed to provide the student with an overview of small business management, entrepreneurship, and ownership. The student will review the analysis of taking over an existing business versus starting a new business, as well as concepts related to effective planning in small business and small business marketing & decisions regarding franchising. The course will conclude with a brief introduction to financial and personnel management in the small business environment.
COM-121 (3.0 Credits) – Fundamentals Of Public Speaking
This course is designed to introduce the student to public speaking. The student will be taught tactics to overcome fears about speaking in public. The course will focus on preparing the speech, delivering the speech, evaluating the delivery, and improving delivery. The student will prepare and deliver informative, demonstrative, and persuasive presentations.
COM-130 (3.0 Credits) – Technical Writing
This course involves the study and practice of writing in professional settings. It is designed to help students learn and apply concepts of effective written communication appropriate for careers in technical and trade fields. The course will help the students develop the essential skills of a professional technical communicator with an emphasis on producing clear and effective written communications. Topics presented in the class include identifying keys to effective writing, characteristics of job-related writing, the writing process, collaborative writing, electronic communications, preparing professional correspondences, designing documents, writing instructions and procedures, writing short reports and proposals, and preparing presentations.
COM-135 (3.0 Credits) – English Composition
This course is designed to strengthen the student’s written communication skills. The course will begin with an introduction to the Learning Resource Center (LRC). The student will be taught to experience the various resources available to them at CPI. These resources include the LRC staff, as well as the facilities, equipment, and e-library (EBSCO Host). The student will be taught how to effectively use the resources for completion of various essays in this course, as well as projects in other courses. In addition to learning CPI available resources, the student will review basic grammar, including the parts of speech, subject verb agreement, compound and complex sentences, fragments, run-on’s, and comma splices. The student will also be taught APA style of writing and will utilize this format for constructing various compositions, including an analytical report, persuasive, literary review, and research papers.
PSS-125 (3.0 Credits) – Pathways To Success With Integrated Technology
This course is designed to provide the first-year student with support as they experience college courses for the first time. Study skills, self-reflection, and metacognition will all help the student understand how to best be successful with their own personality. Additionally, this course will help the student understand the fundamental skills to use Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint software. Course participants will be taught the essential elements of Microsoft Word, including new documents, inserting text, inserting, and formatting text boxes, shapes, and graphics. Students will also gain experience using Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, beginning with an understanding of how to navigate an Excel workbook. The learner will also create a workbook, enter data, format cells, construct formulas for mathematical operations, chart data, and format a worksheet. This course concludes with an introduction to presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint. The learner will create, edit, format, view, and print a presentation.
MTH-131 (4.0 Credits) – Technical Mathematics
This course is designed to teach mathematical concepts that will allow the student to become proficient in mathematics commonly used in various technical and trade fields. Course topics include manipulations of whole numbers, fractions, decimals, ratios, and measurement systems. The student will be taught exponents, roots, and radicals and will be introduced to basic principles of algebra, plane geometry, triangle trigonometry, vectors, and quadratic equations.
MTH-133 (4.0 Credits) – College Mathematics
This course is designed to give the student a working knowledge of basic mathematical concepts and operations. Topics include whole numbers, fractions & mixed numbers, decimals, ratio & proportion, percent, measurement, descriptive statistics, and geometry. The course concludes with an introduction to algebra and solving equations.
PHY-155 (4.0 Credits) – General Physics
This course is designed to provide the student with an algebra-based introduction to the general concepts and principles of physics. Course topics will include forces and motion including motion in one and two dimensions, circular motion, rotational motion, equilibrium, and elasticity. The course will also include principles of impulse and momentum, energy and work, thermal properties of matter, fluids, electric fields and forces, electric potential, current and resistance.
PSY-152 (3.0 Credits) – General Psychology
This course is designed to introduce the student to general principles of psychology. Topics include a general overview of the history of psychology, psychological subspecialties, and common perspectives in psychology (psychodynamic, behavioral, humanistic, bio-psychological, sociocultural, and cognitive). The student will be taught the structure and function of the brain, nervous system, and senses. Concepts of learning, memory, cognition (including thinking & language), motivation, emotion, and personality will also be presented. The course will conclude with psychological development from infancy to late adulthood, social psychology, and cultural diversity.
SOC-151 (3 .0 Credits) – Customer Service
This course is designed to help the student develop a heightened awareness of the challenges and opportunities in customer service. In this course, the student is introduced to a variety of skills, including identifying customer behavior, determining customer needs through active listening, becoming an effective verbal and nonverbal communicator, honing telephone customer ervice skills, handling difficult customers, encouraging customer loyalty, and practicing service recovery.
SOC-221 (2.0 Credits) – Professionalism And Employment Readiness
This course is designed to prepare the student for the job search and entry into the workplace. The course will commence with teaching the student how to construct a resume, cover letter, and thank-you note. The student will be taught essential interview techniques and will complete a mock interview. The course will conclude with an overview of the basic concepts of professionalism in the workplace.
SOC-233 (4.0 Credits) – Introduction To Leadership
This course is designed to introduce the student to principles of leadership including, leadership theories, styles of leadership, motivating employees, teambuilding, and conflict management. Upon completion of the course, the student will be taught using a demonstration in the understanding of principles related to ethics and whistleblowing, giving praise, networking, giving instructions, situational communication, and conflict mediation.