Main phone: 814-359-2793
Faculty/Staff | Title | Extension | |
Baird, Kody | Night Custodian | Kbaird@cpi.edu | Ext 219 |
Baker, Jeannie | Nurse Aide Instructor | jbaker@cpi.edu | Ext 294 |
Beckenbaugh, Timothy | Culinary Arts Instructor | Tbeckenbaugh@cpi.edu | Ext 213 |
Blazina-Couturiaux, Briana | Medical Asst Coordinator | bcouturiaux@cpi.edu | Ext 297 |
Braum, Jennifer | Adjunct Instructor | jbraum@cpi.edu | Ext 201 |
Breon, Alicia | Cosmetology Instructor | Abreon@cpi.edu | Ext 248 |
Brickley, Theresa | Executive Secretary/JOC Secretary | TBrickley@cpi.edu | Ext 255 |
Brill, Andrew | Natural Gas Compression Coordinator | abrill@cpi.edu | Ext 236 |
Bruno, LuAnn | Administrative Specialist Post-Secondary | lbruno@cpi.edu | Ext 207 |
Butterworth, Greg | Heavy Equipment Instructor | gbutterworth@cpi.edu | Ext 271 |
Capparelle, Alan | CISCO Instructor | acapparelle@cpi.edu | Ext 211 |
Cannon, Hudson | IT Support | itsupport@cpi.edu | Ext 216 |
Carra, Rick | Director of Facilities | RCarra@cpi.edu | Ext 219 |
Coller, Oliver | Night Custodian | OColler@cpi.edu | Ext 219 |
Colpetzer, Scott | Custodian | Scolpetzer@cpi.edu | Ext 219 |
Couturiaux, Briana | Medical Asst Coordinator | bcouturiaux@cpi.edu | Ext 297 |
Couturiaux, Debbie | Practical Nursing Coordinator | dcouturiaux@cpi.edu | Ext 265 |
Craine, Martin | Carpentry Instructor | mcraine@cpi.edu | Ext 231 |
Crane, Don | Graphic Arts/Adjunct Instructor | dcrane@cpi.edu | Ext 247 |
Crane, Karen | Administrative Specialist Financial Aid/Accreditation | kcrane@cpi.edu | Ext 252 |
Daugherty, Dawn | CDL Coordinator | ddaugherty@cpi.edu | Ext 281 |
Dickey, Officer Shane | School Resource Officer | sdickey@cpi.edu | Ext 111 |
Eggler, Judy | Nurse Aide Instructor | jeggler@cpi.edu | Ext 294 |
Ensor, Shane | Adjunct Instructor E,E, & Instructor | sensor@cpi.edu | Ext 232 |
Fike, John | Adjunct Diesel Tech II Instructor | jfike@cpi.edu | Ext 287 |
Fisher, Theresa | Nurse Aide Instructor | tfisher@cpi.edu | Ext 294 |
Gearhart, Erin | Early Childhood Ed. Instructor | EGearhart@cpi.edu | Ext 264 |
Gongloff, Cindy | Adult Cosmetology Coordinator/Instructor | cgongloff@cpi.edu | Ext 161 |
Harper, Josh | Adjunct Instructor | jharper@cpi.edu | Ext 201 |
Hartley, Chris | Medical Science Instructor | Chartley@cpi.edu | Ext 214 |
Hummel, Brian | Collision Repair Instructor | bhummel@cpi.edu | Ext 220 |
Keller, Mark | Centre County Public Safety Training Center | mkeller@cpi.edu | Ext 296 |
Kessling, Dave | Heavy Equipment Instructor | dkessling@cpi.edu | Ext 286 |
King, Kevin | Emerging Energy Instructor | kking@cpi.edu | Ext 232 |
Kinney, Jerome | Practical Nursing Instructor | jkinney@cpi.edu | Ext 294 |
Laslo, Alexandria | Practical Nursing Instructor | alaslo@cpi.edu | Ext 294 |
Lavery, Nathan | Coordinator of Curriculum, Accreditation and Student Services | nlavery@cpi.edu | Ext 254 |
Leiter, Cheniene | Emergency Services | Cleiter@cpi.edu | Ext 298 |
Livergood, Craig | Business Manager | clivergood@cpi.edu | Ext 258 |
Luther, William | Co-Op Education | Wluther@cpi.edu | Ext 292 |
Martin, Jessica | Vice President – Secondary Ed | jmartin@cpi.edu | Ext 240 |
McCardle, Jeff | HVAC/R Instructor | jmccardle@cpi.edu | Ext 234 |
McChesney-Brungart, Shannon | Nurse Aide Coordinator | smbrungart@cpi.edu | Ext 294 |
Mellott, Karen | Practical Nursing Instructor | kmellott@cpi.edu | Ext 294 |
Mills, Emalea | PN Instructor per diem | emills@cpi.edu | Ext 294 |
Owens, Renee | Receptionist/AP | ROwens@cpi.edu | Ext 201 |
Pepperday, Jan | Chief Financial Aid Officer | jpepperday@cpi.edu | Ext 262 |
Poorman, Natasha | Practical Nursing Instructor | npoorman@cpi.edu | Ext 294 |
Raab, Mary | Practical Nursing Instructor | mraab@cpi.edu | Ext 294 |
Reed, Robert | PN Instructor per diem | rreed@cpi.edu | Ext 294 |
Rider, Terri | EFDA Instructor | trider@cpi.edu | Ext 281 |
Riggle, Brent | Structural Welding Instructor | briggle@cpi.edu | Ext 225 |
Robinson, Arika | School Nurse | ARobinson@cpi.edu | Ext 233 |
Rogers-Koon, Helen | Practical Nursing Instructor | hrogerskoon@cpi.edu | Ext 294 |
Runyan, Curtis | Horticulture/Landscape Instructor | crunyan@cpi.edu | Ext 242 |
Shrock, Jacklyn | Centre County Public Safety Training Center Assistant | ccpstcassist@cpi.edu | Ext 296 |
Shultz, Denise | Benefits/AR | DShultz@cpi.edu | Ext 272 |
Shultz, Malcolm | HVAC/R Assistant Instructor | mshultz@cpi.edu | Ext 234 |
Sipe, Mike | Automotive Technology Instructor | msipe@cpi.edu | Ext 228 |
Siruc, Michelle | Attendance Secretary | msiruc@cpi.edu | Ext 259 |
Sten, Brianna | Guidance Counselor | bsten@cpi.edu | Ext 290 |
Stine, Mary | Adjunct Instructor | mstine@cpi.edu | Ext 297 |
Taylor, Todd | Vice President-Post Secondary Ed | ttaylor@cpi.edu | Ext 217 |
Tobias, Mindy | Dental Assisting Instructor | mtobias@cpi.edu | Ext 222 |
Volders, MaryAnn | President | mavolders@cpi.edu | Ext 221 |
Wagner, Heidi | Aide | hwagner@cpi.edu | Ext 212 |
Wilson, Gail | PN Instructor per diem | gwilson@cpi.edu | Ext 294 |
Woodard, Guy | Environmental Program Coordinator | gwoodard@cpi.edu | Ext 230 |
Worden, Kelly | Practical Nursing Admin Assistant | kworden@cpi.edu | Ext 267 |
Vacant | Adult Diesel Coordinator/Instructor | Ext 285 |